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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Going To The Jungle

Once upon a day, me and my family went to the jungle. I'll camping there. We'll went to the center of the jungle. I saw, and most beauty full bird I ever saw, most dangerous cat in the world, and many more, before that I want introduce my self, my family, and my tour guide.
My name is Lindsey, my mother's name is Francie, my father's name is Sean, I  have a little brother name is Peter, my tour guide name is Jhonny Deep. He is a best guide.
I stayed there for three days. First day I arrived at the jungle I saw a most big tree I ever saw but inside the jungle I saw trees larger than previously that the great thing in the world, see what's you want.
The wonder full part is went establish the tent with my family I felt family atmosphere feels a deep, happiness come so fast but go so slow, and I like it.
The second day found a river, long river, but so shallow. The water was very clean and I can saw a fish and the gravel. I was fishing there, I can be a lot fish.
At the last day I saw every animals there from the smallest to the largest. For example : boars, elephant, cassowary, and many more. After that I went go home.
The End 
Essay by Talitha Salsabila Andini & Aisyah Fajirn Pasha Wenno :"> pipi memerah:) senang

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